Odor Remediation

person smoking cigarette

Not all smells are pleasant, and when they are obnoxious and the focal point of your space, it can be a source of anxiety and embarrassment. Unpleasant odors can originate from a variety of sources such as leftover food, pets, smoke, or mold and mildew. These scents have a way of permeating through the air, latching onto fabrics, and settling into carpets and furniture, making them persistent and difficult to remove and require professional odor remediation.

The impact of such odors reaches beyond mere discomfort—they can truly alter the way we perceive a space. A beautiful room can lose its appeal if the air is heavy with the scent of decay or dampness. In shared environments like offices or apartments, concerns over odors can even strain relationships between colleagues or neighbors.

Legacy Decon is familiar with the process of odors and how to properly complete odor remediation them.

odor remediation
white and orange cat walking out of a litter box

Dealing with the smell of old cat urine can be particularly challenging, as it tends to linger and pervade living spaces long after the initial accident. The difficulty in eradicating this unpleasant odor stems from the fact that as cat urine breaks down, it transforms into ammonia and other chemical compounds that not only have a strong smell but can also cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system.

Removing old cat urine odors requires a multi-step approach. Initially, it’s imperative to locate the exact areas where the cat has urinated and properly treated.

Legacy Decon Remediates Several Types of Odors

  • Nicotine
  • Marijuana
  • Urine and Pet Odors
  • Decomposition
  • Gross Filth Odors
  • Vomit Odors

Contact us for more information or Call us 409-944-6154

    Legacy Decon Services

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